How to integrate a sound healing? 5 top tips

Any healing is part of a process, which can be difficult to get our heads around in our ‘take a pill and get on with it’ culture. Of course we can just top up at our sound therapy session and dash off afterwards (and sometimes that is all that is humanly possible - fine). But if you can start to build in some preparation and integration I’m sure you feel the results more deeply.

Be in nature

The sounds and shapes of nature are harmonic and healing (just like a sound bath). I always like to walk in the woods or sit in a quiet spot by a tree or water to just listen and feel. The added sensitivity of the sound healing can help you feel connected and nature will help you ground and digest, particularly walking barefoot. Cold salt water does wonders to bring you back into the body and cleanse the energy field. We are very blessed to have the waterscapes of river, creek and sea near the sound temple so if you are coming for sound therapy with me you’ll be spoilt for choice for a dip! If you are located elsewhere a bath with some natural salts and herbs is also very cleansing.

Drink plenty of water

There is a cleansing process happening long after the last gong is struck; you may feel dehydrated as the body’s systems cleanse and the cells reorganise.

Allow space and silence

Its very normal that thoughts, memories, emotions can come to the surface during or after the sound. Trust that this is ok and try to give them space to move. Try to keep your day flexible and let people know you might need some quiet time or rest. I will always be in touch the day after a 121 so know that you are supported beyond the session.

Move, breath, sound

Sometimes we crave stillness and sometimes we crave dancing, yoga, free movement with the breath. Using our own voice can be a wonderful way to let energy and emotion move and to stay connected with the essence of sound and source that we have experienced. Remember that we can also be playful and joyful while in the process of healing, so enjoy your own expression of that.

Journal, free write or draw

If you’re not so much of a journaling fan, free writing a few words of insight can be lovely, and drawing is a great way to express without getting bogged down in thought. Don’t be deterred by feeling ‘I’m not an artist/writer’, this is simply about remembering, expressing and processing - and anyway we are all creative beings in our own ways.

Would love to know any other tips you have for integration.